Additional Content Pending
In light of recent events, I have spent the day reflecting on the meaning and value of the ordination that I am on pace to receive in the California Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church this summer.
The content of my reflections are being reviewed by my beloved mentors in the process. Unintended and unforeseen consequences are a hazard. I hope to post it soon.

Below is a letter that Our social action team has written that relates to my reflections and the state of ordination in our church. I am proud to be part of a church that encourages boldness in the name of love.
Enjoy God,
Jan. 7, 2013
Rev. Felicisimo Cao, Chairperson
Board of Ordained
United Methodist Church
1612 – 9th
Sanger, California 93657
RE: Rev. Frank Schaefer
Dear Rev. Cao,
We are writing today as a group of
concerned United Methodists, members of the Social Action Team of the United
Methodist Church of Merced. Our church
voted to become a Reconciling Church 5 years ago and, as a result, we have been
profoundly blessed to be in ministry with and to many LGBT members. So much good will and loving connections have
come to us because of our being a part of the Reconciling Ministries
Network. During prayer-time one of our
members stood up to thank God for our church family for accepting him the way
God made him, a gay man. Tears were
pouring down his face as he recounted being turned away from so many other
churches. Now he, and many others, feel at home and accepted in a place where
they can worship God honestly.
So it is with both grief and anger that we
learned about the trial and subsequent defrocking of Rev. Frank Schaefer of
Lebanon, Pennsylvania for officiating at the marriage of his gay son Tim six
years ago. We are proud that Bishop
Carcano of the California-Pacific Conference has stepped up and offered Rev. Schaefer
a position in ministry in that conference, but that generous act does not take
away the shame we feel towards the United Methodist Church nationally. When will our Church join the 21st
century in acknowledging that gay and lesbian men and women were born the way
they are, created by God that way, and, as such, should be afforded all the
rights of heterosexual persons?

Our reason in writing you is to encourage
you and the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry to support those pastors in
the California-Nevada Conference who take a courageous stand against the part
of the Discipline which discriminates against LGBT members and those who would
offer ministry to them. We, and many
others, will support you in this work.
Let the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be the example for the
actions your board may be called to take.
the Name of Jesus, We Sign:
Social Action Team of the United Methodist Church Merced
Terry Kruest, Chairperson, Connie Jones,
David Hetland, Jennifer Durbin, Jamie Bradley
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